We offer AM only, PM only, and full-day classes. We also offer after school care from 2:45 – 6:00pm.
Class Placement
Class placement is based on the age of your child and their developmental stage of readiness. We typically recommend the following classes but we are flexible if you have additional needs:
- 2½ – 3-year olds – T/TH AM or PM
- 3 – 5 year olds – MWF AM and/or PM
- 4 & 5 year olds – M-F AM and/or PM
The AM session is from 9:00am – 11:30am. The PM session is from 12:15pm – 2:45pm.
2025-2026 Tuition
AM of PM Tuition depends on the number of sessions a student attends:
- 2 sessions per week (ie TTh AM or PM): $140/month
- 3 session per week (ie MWF AM or PM): $165/month
- 5 Sessions per week (ie MTWThF AM or PM): $255/month
FULL DAY tuition for students staying the full day (for both the AM session and PM session)
- 2 full days per week (ie TTh AM & PM): $280/month
- 3 full days per week (ie MWF AM & PM): $330/month
- 5 full days per week (ie MTWThF AM & PM): $510/month
We also offer AFTER SCHOOL CARE from 2:45pm until 6:00pm. The cost is based on the number of days a student attends and is the same as our session tuition for AM or PM sessions described above. This cost is applied whether the student stays until 6:00pm or leaves early.
Tuition invoices are sent via email can be paid by debit or credit card. A processing fee is added when paying by card. Tuition can also be paid by check (made payable to First Steps Preschool) or cash and dropped off at the school office.
Student/Teacher Ratio
First Steps Preschool’s ratios are as follows:
- For classes with 2½ year olds, no more than 8 students per teacher.
- For classes with 3 & 4 year olds, no more than 12 students per teacher.
- For classes with 4 & 5 year olds, no more than 14 students per teacher.
Daily Schedule
Each morning and afternoon session will include a rotation of activities that last 15-20 minutes. Specific schedules will be posted in each classroom. The activities include, but are not limited to: free play (outdoors or indoors), large muscle play, circle time (group lesson), story & worship time, art time, snack time and bathroom time. Each class will have at least one scheduled bathroom break but children will be able to go as needed.
For full day students, parents must pack a ready to eat lunch for their child. Lunch is eaten from 11:30am until 12:15pm when the afternoon session begins.