We are very thankful to work closely with First Christian Church (FCC). Very often, we share events and resources to let people hear the good news that God loves them!
First Christian Church is a community where
“Nobody is perfect……Everyone is welcome……Anything is possible”
We are ordinary people who are learning to connect with the God who created all of us and are trying to help each other in our everyday lives. We think that going to church should be an uplifting, positive experience where you can be yourself and learn how to deal with real life issues. In our casual contemporary worship we celebrate what Jesus has done for everyone and we learn from him how to live this life he’s given us. First Christian Church is a safe, friendly place to get to know others and consider the message that Jesus has for your life. We know your first visit to a new church can be a little scary, so we want to provide you as much information as we can to help you be comfortable from the time you encounter one of our friendly greeters at the door, register your kids in our graded children’s worship rooms, participate in one of our lively worship celebrations and grab a 2nd cup of coffee in our coffee bar before you return to your car (don’t forget the kids!) Worship times are 9:30 and 11 every Sunday!
FCC Kids

Shannon Teague is the Children’s Director at FCCHH! She would love for your children to join her on Sunday mornings!